Friday, November 8, 2013

This momma saw the sun!!

After 11 days of being locked up inside..I got to go to Target today! It's the little things ;)

Derek kept offering to keep Colin this week and let me get out of the house, and I needed to get some groceries. So off to Target I went! It was also my first time driving in 2 weeks, so that was nice too! I had to time it well with feedings, but it felt so nice to get out to see adults and listen to music in the car :)

Colin was super cuddly today, which was great since we'll have company all weekend and I won't get to be selfish and hold him 24/7 :)


After Target, Derek hit up his P90x (yes, he's a beast dad) and I strapped Colin in the stroller for a neighborhood walk! He absolutely hates getting into the carseat, but then loves riding. Everytime he's been in it, we bring him in and he continues his nap like a champ.  I swear it's where he sleeps the best some days!

After some cleaning and laundry...and more snuggling:) we are calling it a day. Got a big weekend of fun with family and friends that we are excited about. It's nice having company and seeing other adults! Derek and I get stir crazy and have been having music parties and laughing at our little guy's expressions too much, we need human interaction! haha

His pooping face..haha

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