Monday, November 11, 2013

2 weeks old and Poppy & Moppy visit :)

2 weeks old!! How?! You would think it would feel longer as little sleep I get, haha. He looks so different each day still and just loves being awake and free from his swaddler :) Until his wild arms freak him out and he gets real mad. I think our parents finally get the alertness we spoke of on the phone ;) This boy got some lungs on him!

We wouldn't change him for anything though, he never slept in utero either, so I should have known! He has pretty much gotten on a schedule of eating every 3 hours.. he does best being put to sleep in the crib still (yay!) and will sleep solid for 3 hours. Right after he eats he'll stay awake for a while until we put him down and makes the most awesome faces :)

Yesterday, my parents came up to visit! We had a nice dinner made by mom and hung out at the house. I think they missed him just a little bit! He's got 2 great sets of grandparents!

 He has had so much attention this weekend! We snuck away for lunch today at PF Changs and got in some Christmas shopping. The grandparents did a great job with him and Poppy even did the yard work for Derek. So appreciated!

Tomorrow, Colin has his 2 week old doc appt and then Derek goes back to work :( Thankfully he's been off for 2 weeks and just has to work 3 weeks before he does his research month. I think Colin and I will just camp out in the bedroom while he works. I may actually sleep during the day in the BED (not the nursery recliner;) ) since I won't have anyone here to talk too all day, haha.

 Love you our little 2 week old!

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