Saturday, November 30, 2013

3D ultrasound!!

We went back and forth on whether to do the 3D ultrasound. I have seen some really good ones and some where none of the photos turn out good. Ultimately we were just super curious to see what he looked like and really wanted to choose his name :) We took these around 32 weeks along. We had a couple names picked out but wanted to see his little face before deciding!

We used a local place called Cloud Nine and got 30 minutes of video and pictures of our little guy. He was a hoot-always with his hands in his face and sucking. It was fun to see him on the big tv moving all around, blinking, and having hiccups.

These were a few of our favorites:


 Big hands and his ear!

We left the office super excited that we would see our little guy in 8 weeks!!

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