How appropriate that Colin turned 1 month old on Thanksgiving :) We really are so thankful for the little guy. It has been a very tiring, loud, and unpredictable month! He is so worth all the 1 hour naps I get at night now that he responds more to us and has the cutest grin :)
Since Derek slept during the day before work, I made us a easy Thanksgiving dinner. We had roasted turkey, corn casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans. I was pretty proud it all came together good considering I had never made a turkey OR homemade mashed potatoes before! Also, while keeping Colin occupied/asleep! We got to eat (quickly) before little man woke up. It was nice to hang out all together before Derek went back to work. Yay for the last night shift. He starts research Monday and I couldn't be more excited!!!
Colin you are 1 month old now! You are growing out of your newborn clothes now and wear size 1 diapers. You enjoy being awake and unwrapped more. Your head control is pretty impressive and you love to track our voices and follow the ceiling fans :)
You eat every 3 (sometimes 2) hours, about 4 ounces each time. You have had a lot of tummy issues and are now on soy formula for the time being. I'm still breastpumping and freezing the milk in hopes you will outgrow those belly issues in the next month! You seem to be much more content, but goodness those diapers are rough! haha
You are weighing right around 9lbs and those cheeks are definitely filling out!! We are figuring out quickly what you don't like- the swing, being hot, having your hands covered, clothing changes, losing your pappy during your sleep, and blankets across your body. We'll slowly work on these things... :)
We are so happy to have been blessed with this nugget and can't wait to see what this month brings!!
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