Thursday, November 21, 2013

GrandMama week!

We've had a busy week! Derek has been working 3pm-1am this week, thankfully tonight is his last night! Then he's off with us for 3 days! I've been blessed with great help this week though! Nanna came up Tuesday night and stayed until Thursday morning! She also went and got us Panera for lunch-it's the little things!! We were so busy with Colin and house stuff, we didn't take a single picture. FAIL! Colin very much enjoyed his time with Nanna though; and I enjoyed going to bed a little earlier and laundry help! The kid finally slept for a 4 hour stretch...once ;)

This morning Moppy came up and is staying with us until tomorrow! Colin was such a mess this morning, we had to go out on the porch to not wake up Derek. haha. He actually liked the 50 degree weather!

Colin did enjoy some tv this am! He's doing really well with following voices and any sound/light! He gives us the cutest faces! Except for when he has gas. That scares him :)

 Enjoying some ESPN

Moppy also brought Colin a Rock N Play. We needed something small for the living room since the swing still startles him. Also, it folds flat for traveling and we're hoping he can sleep in that when we go out of town while he's still little. Its super easy to rock too! Colin had a nice 2 hour nap in it today while I was napping too ;) Thanks Moppy!

Now we're eating on some pizza and watching tv. So great to have company this week! We're definitely breaking out of this house this weekend!!

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