Monday, November 4, 2013


Can't believe our Colin is 1 week old! His birthday seems like it was soo long ago, but the week has also been a big fast blur too! Each day Colin looks so different and bigger! I think his cheeks are starting to fill out now! Perfect timing too since he's getting newborn photos done Wednesday :)

We have only been to the pediatrician and the store once, but overall he loves riding in his carseat and anything that involves motion. Today we had a sweet friend bring over a swing for us to borrow, I think Colin will be in heaven!

Its been fun to see him change and of course his lack of routine has us always in motion, but we are all resting better and Colin seems to be getting the feedings down well. Still pumping to keep up with his impatient self, but it's worth the extra time. Derek has been doing most of the daytime work and bonding while I do the night routine and stay in his room. He stretches usually to every 3 hours at night which has helped my sleep.

We have noticed today that he is pretty bored with just eating and sleeping...he likes to stay awake for about 30-45 minutes after each feed just looking around and being walked/bounced. He still loves his hands and hates his legs bunched up. Bossy thing ;)

Helping dad work :)

I still feels like we are just babysitting for someone, haha. So much has changed just his short first week of life, I know the time is just going to fly by so we are snuggling as much as possible!!

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