Saturday, November 9, 2013

Doozie and Nanna visit

Today was a fun day! Derek's parents came up around lunch time to stay the night with us. They hadn't seen little man since the hospital; they said he had changed a good bit and gotten chubbier :)
Doozie and Nanna...Derek called his dad Doozie some when he was little :)

Colin has been such a happy baby the past 2 days! He has been on a good 3 hour eating schedule* finally*
He also has a lot of happy awake time which Derek and I have enjoyed a lot more than the first week's screaming fits ;) Another big plus-much less vomiting, wahoo! I know Derek is much happier with less breastmilk running down his shirt and arms, haha!

Derek and his 3 guys hanging out. The cats like to hunt the squirrels on the porch. Thank goodness the cats have grown to be ok with the baby. The first day was not so pretty and Gizmo freaked out when Colin cried. He scratched Derek up pretty good trying to see Colin. After about 2 days though, they stopped paying attention to him. Thank goodness!!
We started the day with bath time! This was Colin's first full bath since his cord fell off. He couldn't decide whether he liked or hated it. Haha. He did like his hair being washed!
Loving the hair washing ;) Look at that full belly, haha
Ross and Laura were also in town for the day so we took advantage of the babysitting and went downtown with them for lunch. They are so sweet at got me a Larimar spa gift card and Derek a bottle of 17 yr old scotch. They had gotten Colin 2 cute GT onesies earlier that we love too! It was the first time we both left Colin and it wasnt bad, no tears :)
 We were both so happy to get out of the house and knew Colin would get plenty of love!
The guys got beer flights at Big River while we watched the TN vs AU game
When we got back we just hung around and watched football. I would say Colin got lots of love and attention today and was a sweet cuddler!

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