Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chunky Cheeks!

Goodness this little one is getting chubby! We had a great 3 days with Derek home! We got so much house stuff done and some relaxing too. It's getting more obvious that the little man is getting bigger, Derek weighed him today and he was around 8lb 11oz. Almost 2 pounds bigger since birth! He likes his rock n play in the morning. This boy stays awake every morning from 6-10ish, usually screaming until we walk the house....sometimes rocking and snacking. Growth spurt maybe?! Good thing he is cute!

This little guy will be 4 weeks tomorrow!

Saturday we met up with Keshia and Alli at the mall while the guys went to see Thor! Of course Colin stayed awake all but 5 minutes of the 3 hour mall trek. I think people are finally believing me that the kid doesn't sleep :) At least he sleeps 2 3hour stretches at night..then cat naps the rest of the night and most of the day. Too much world to take in I guess ;)

The combined 5 minutes he slept :) Colin LOVES to sleep being held, good thing he's still little!
Only crazy people think walking the mall on a Saturday during the holiday season would be a good idea, wow it was crazy with our 2 strollers. At least we didn't need to shop, we are very close to being done with our Christmas shopping!

Getting a little better about baths, but dude hates lotion and takes forever to calm down after- like he's been traumatized, haha. Boy was dirty though, so bath was necessary today!

Today was spent cuddling and watching football, hate that Derek's leaving us for 4 days of work Derek grilled out for us last night. We have been spoiled by family and friends with so many meals, it's now kind of weird to cook again after a month off! So excited for my sister's family to come on Wednesday to visit and then we have our first little family Thanksgiving on Thursday! Busy week coming up! I'll be taking advantage of one more night going to sleep at 8 while Derek feeds Colin :)

Derek and his boys. Gizmo may outweigh Colin for at least another year! GusGus was busy sneaking into his nursery and hiding in the closet ;) Stinkers!

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