Derek ordered a fetal monitor for us to use at home to hear his heartbeat and I have to say, that is the one thing that I do miss about pregnancy so far. We used it frequently and it was fun to hear him swimming and kicking around in there!
It was also when we found out that we were having a little boy! Luckily, since Derek works in the ER, he was able to do ultrasounds on me pretty frequently. Around 16 weeks, he was doing one and we were pretty sure we were having a boy. We didn't want to get too excited though, so we waited until our 20 week fetal scan appointment to be sure. We were over the moon that it was a boy! We know we want 2 kids and were really hoping to have at least one boy (After all, Derek is the last Patterson;)). Girls also intimidate us for now, so we were pumped! Of course we were most happy that the fetal scan went well and we had a healthy baby boy growing in me! Of course he was cross-legged and sucking his hands as usual ;)
It's a boy!
The weekend after our scan, we went home to Huntsville to tell our family! We had a gift for our parents with a boy item, and we also did a cupcake reveal with them. Their reactions were great! We skyped with siblings to tell them the news too!
Definitely getting bigger and starting to feel our nugget move really good :) Favorite time to kick- first thing in the AM when I get up and right before bed.
Once we knew the gender, a few weeks later we began to clean out the upstairs guest bedroom and start on the nursery! That's when it all got real, having our own baby to raise...ahh!
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