Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Photo day :)

Colin had his newborn photos done today! We had Julie come to our house this morning to do them. Keshia and Alicia were sweet and came over to help us get ready. Colin's umbilical cord came off yesterday so they helped Derek bathe him while I got ready. Alicia had cute blankets and props that we used. Keshia also saved the day bringing me Starbucks.

Little Colin did not care to sleep much last night, so he was a little off this am. Slept like a champ until his pictures started. Then we spent the whole 2 hours Julie was here trying to get him to fall asleep for the cute posed newborn pics...haha. Colin was not having it until the very end when we went outside. Hopefully we will get some good ones! We took some family ones too.

The rest of today we spent recovering from that :) Actually Derek did P90x since he's crazy like that, while I napped on the couch. Colin had a really good nap once his pics were all complete. We love this little guy!
Sweet baby dreams :)

Derek has to leave tomorrow for work conference in the morning. It's been so nice the last 9 days being together as a family 24/7. Its only a half day but we sure will miss him!!! I'm sure he'll enjoy some adult interaction though ;)

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