Saturday, November 30, 2013

3D ultrasound!!

We went back and forth on whether to do the 3D ultrasound. I have seen some really good ones and some where none of the photos turn out good. Ultimately we were just super curious to see what he looked like and really wanted to choose his name :) We took these around 32 weeks along. We had a couple names picked out but wanted to see his little face before deciding!

We used a local place called Cloud Nine and got 30 minutes of video and pictures of our little guy. He was a hoot-always with his hands in his face and sucking. It was fun to see him on the big tv moving all around, blinking, and having hiccups.

These were a few of our favorites:


 Big hands and his ear!

We left the office super excited that we would see our little guy in 8 weeks!!

Friday, November 29, 2013

Thanksgiving and 1 month!!

How appropriate that Colin turned 1 month old on Thanksgiving :) We really are so thankful for the little guy. It has been a very tiring, loud, and unpredictable month! He is so worth all the 1 hour naps I get at night now that he responds more to us and has the cutest grin :)


Since Derek slept during the day before work, I made us a easy Thanksgiving dinner. We had roasted turkey, corn casserole, mashed potatoes, gravy, and green beans. I was pretty proud it all came together good considering I had never made a turkey OR homemade mashed potatoes before! Also, while keeping Colin occupied/asleep! We got to eat (quickly) before little man woke up. It was nice to hang out all together before Derek went back to work. Yay for the last night shift. He starts research Monday and I couldn't be more excited!!!

Thanksgiving meal and Colin's post thanksgiving meal face :)
Colin you are 1 month old now! You are growing out of your newborn clothes now and wear size 1 diapers. You enjoy being awake and unwrapped more. Your head control is pretty impressive and you love to track our voices and follow the ceiling fans :)
You eat every 3 (sometimes 2) hours, about 4 ounces each time. You have had a lot of tummy issues and are now on soy formula for the time being. I'm still breastpumping and freezing the milk in hopes you will outgrow those belly issues in the next month! You seem to be much more content, but goodness those diapers are rough! haha
You are weighing right around 9lbs and those cheeks are definitely filling out!! We are figuring out quickly what you don't like- the swing, being hot, having your hands covered, clothing changes, losing your pappy during your sleep, and blankets across your body. We'll slowly work on these things... :)
We are so happy to have been blessed with this nugget and can't wait to see what this month brings!!

Thursday, November 28, 2013

Catch Up!

Goodness it's hard to blog when I'm here on my own during the day :) Thank goodness Derek's last night shift is tonight. Colin has had a tough last few days. He has a happy/mad awake period every morning about 7/8-12. It's constant walking, bouncing, rocking to keep him content. Thank goodness he is better(ish) at night and will go to sleep for about 2 hours between feeds. So I can handle a little crankiness in the morning :) Today I gave in and gave him another 3 ounces of milk around 10 and goodness, what a change it made in our day! Apparently he is wanting to grow bigger and wants a mid-morning snack. Whatever works! He was so much more content the rest of today! Funny how each day is so different with a baby, I really miss routine. Haha.
Sweet eyelashes, also from Derek. His hair is thinning out on top :(

Monday and Tuesday we just hung around the house. We did survive our first grocery store trip on our own...pretty proud.

Yesterday my sister, Josh and Eli came! It was so good catching up! Colin was having a very cranky day so it was nice to have them help before Derek woke up in the evening. Eli is such a ham and seems to be years older each time I see him!! I can't wait to see these 2 in a few years. Caitlin was awesome and did Colin's night feed so I could sleep a little longer! A 3 hour straight nap makes the biggest difference!

Cousins meeting!! Eli was so sweet!

Aunt Caitlin and her mini-mi. Look at that grin ;)

Smiling with Uncle Josh!

 Being a bear ;)

 Lounging is his specialty, even in Colin's Rock N Play!
Little boys are so much fun, Eli enjoyed Derek and Josh sliding him across the kitchen floor for a good while :)

Derek took Caitlin and Josh to Erlanger and did an ultrasound for fun :) Caitlin is 16 weeks! Excited to find out for sure if Jelly Bean is a boy or girl. With Noah and Chelsea's little boy due in March, we could have a rowdy group!!
Surviving Barney while the parents went to see Jelly Bean :)
So sweet already!! Being an aunt is the best :)
I really, really hope they move farther east sooner rather than later, we miss them so much!! 24 hours together wasn't enough, but they left this morning to go to Huntsville for Thanksgiving! Our family is hosting this year. We hate to miss everyone, but driving solo with a 1 month old sounded daunting...

This little nugget is getting so long and chunky, will have to turn him soon!! Kid HATES blankets on his body!
Now to go cook up some Thanksgiving grub for Derek and I before he wakes up to go back to work! Colin had a nice bath today and is wearing the cutest outfit to celebrate his first Thanksgiving! Pictures to come tomorrow.
By the way- this nugget is 1 month old today :)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Chunky Cheeks!

Goodness this little one is getting chubby! We had a great 3 days with Derek home! We got so much house stuff done and some relaxing too. It's getting more obvious that the little man is getting bigger, Derek weighed him today and he was around 8lb 11oz. Almost 2 pounds bigger since birth! He likes his rock n play in the morning. This boy stays awake every morning from 6-10ish, usually screaming until we walk the house....sometimes rocking and snacking. Growth spurt maybe?! Good thing he is cute!

This little guy will be 4 weeks tomorrow!

Saturday we met up with Keshia and Alli at the mall while the guys went to see Thor! Of course Colin stayed awake all but 5 minutes of the 3 hour mall trek. I think people are finally believing me that the kid doesn't sleep :) At least he sleeps 2 3hour stretches at night..then cat naps the rest of the night and most of the day. Too much world to take in I guess ;)

The combined 5 minutes he slept :) Colin LOVES to sleep being held, good thing he's still little!
Only crazy people think walking the mall on a Saturday during the holiday season would be a good idea, wow it was crazy with our 2 strollers. At least we didn't need to shop, we are very close to being done with our Christmas shopping!

Getting a little better about baths, but dude hates lotion and takes forever to calm down after- like he's been traumatized, haha. Boy was dirty though, so bath was necessary today!

Today was spent cuddling and watching football, hate that Derek's leaving us for 4 days of work Derek grilled out for us last night. We have been spoiled by family and friends with so many meals, it's now kind of weird to cook again after a month off! So excited for my sister's family to come on Wednesday to visit and then we have our first little family Thanksgiving on Thursday! Busy week coming up! I'll be taking advantage of one more night going to sleep at 8 while Derek feeds Colin :)

Derek and his boys. Gizmo may outweigh Colin for at least another year! GusGus was busy sneaking into his nursery and hiding in the closet ;) Stinkers!

Thursday, November 21, 2013

GrandMama week!

We've had a busy week! Derek has been working 3pm-1am this week, thankfully tonight is his last night! Then he's off with us for 3 days! I've been blessed with great help this week though! Nanna came up Tuesday night and stayed until Thursday morning! She also went and got us Panera for lunch-it's the little things!! We were so busy with Colin and house stuff, we didn't take a single picture. FAIL! Colin very much enjoyed his time with Nanna though; and I enjoyed going to bed a little earlier and laundry help! The kid finally slept for a 4 hour stretch...once ;)

This morning Moppy came up and is staying with us until tomorrow! Colin was such a mess this morning, we had to go out on the porch to not wake up Derek. haha. He actually liked the 50 degree weather!

Colin did enjoy some tv this am! He's doing really well with following voices and any sound/light! He gives us the cutest faces! Except for when he has gas. That scares him :)

 Enjoying some ESPN

Moppy also brought Colin a Rock N Play. We needed something small for the living room since the swing still startles him. Also, it folds flat for traveling and we're hoping he can sleep in that when we go out of town while he's still little. Its super easy to rock too! Colin had a nice 2 hour nap in it today while I was napping too ;) Thanks Moppy!

Now we're eating on some pizza and watching tv. So great to have company this week! We're definitely breaking out of this house this weekend!!

Maternity photo shoot

At the end of July we took a nice trip to Gulf Shores for a few days alone. It was so relaxing and perfect for our last trip as a couple! On our way back, we stayed in Birmingham and had pictures taken. Callie and I worked together at UAB hospital and she left UAB to do photography full time.

I knew I wanted a few maternity pictures done and with Derek having his trauma rotation in August, we took advantage of one of our last times being able to travel through Birmingham before our nugget came!

We met up downtown and took pictures outside on this cool historic street. It was pretty painless (we really don't like taking pics) and was done quickly before the rain came. We were not all that prepared, so we went to Target that morning and got a newborn outfit, balloons, and a chalkboard :)

Here are a few of my favorites! I was 26 weeks along :)

Monday, November 18, 2013

Photo Dump!

Home the past 2 days hanging out, Derek was off today so that was awesome! Nothing big to report- so here are pics instead!!

Warming up to bath time ;)
Happy 3 weeks Colin!! You were such a good baby today, I think you have been going through a growth spurt. The past few days you have been more fussy and wanting to eat sooner than normal. Today you were just so sweet (of course when daddy is home, you're on your best behavior)!

Definitely getting chubbier! In size 1 diapers now and finally your newborn clothes fit!!

This child has some faces :0)