Monday, May 2, 2016

Dauphin Island weekend

Derek and I had a little 4 day get away this past weekend! Hunter's wedding was at Dauphin Island and it seemed like a good opportunity to go catch up with friends and have a little child-free vacation thanks to my parents keeping the boys! Cole and Sheena had just came back from a Paris trip and had a few more days off so they met us Thursday and we split a condo for the long weekend. It was so fun to catch up with them and so many friends from undergrad. We got to meet Monica and her husband and kiddo in Mobile Friday night for dinner too! We spent 2 full days on the beach and enjoyed all the quiet and rest. Dauphin Island is pretty small and only has 2-3 restaurants (no grocery stores!) but the beach was empty and so peaceful! The beach is absolutely Derek and I's favorite place to go. We'll definitely go back there in the future.
The guys braved the cold water a few times...there were some big waves!

A great dinner with Monica's family on the bay in Mobile!

Wedding day! Me and my hun!

The happy newlyweds- Hunter and Amber
The reception was at a salt water aquarium on the island and was so cool!
We almost snatched us a turtle. Hard to believe we owned 2 turtles 10 years ago!

There was a bet that my head wouldn't fit in this helmet. Ha my big ole head did!

Of course Derek's head did ;) No luck for Cole though...
Friend selfie!
Loved dancing with this guy! It's almost been 8 years since our wedding!!

UAB peeps!
Colin and Connor had lots of fun adventures with Mimi and Pawpaw! They got to see all the cousins too which I know they loved. We got to Facetime them each day and they liked that! Every time Colin would ask if we were coming back to his house today :) Thanks Mom and dad, they had fun and wonder where you are now!


Our 4 children :)

We got back Sunday before the boys woke up from nap and they were both surprised to see us. We missed those little men. Thankfully Derek has a few more days off to play with us. Colin is on high alert when we leave the room now, I think 4 days away was a bit too long to be away!
Colin was happy to have his jumping partner back!

This guy seemed to be a month older! He got another tooth while we were gone and 2 more are on the way!

Love these 3 guys :)
First night to wear real PJs with no feet (a Colin hand-me-down) and I think it made him look 18 months!!

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