It was such a blessing to be up in Huntsville with mom and dad this weekend while Connor was sick. Being outside was about all that made him content so he was rotated between the 3 adults outside and being carried. Mimi found Colin a lot of John Deer tractors at a yard sale so he was very entertained by those. It was a few rough nights with little sleep...sick babies sure are time consuming! Saturday Colin and I went to Teresa's baby shower and it was fun to catch up with some old friends.
Trying to keep little C happy!
Playground fun!
That sick face, ha. Brady was a great distraction too!
Roommates 13 years ago!
I got to cuddle sweet John! It's nice getting to snuggle friends' babies and give them back when they cry :)
Evenings outside on the glider
They love Pawpaw
By the 2nd day of practice, Colin got the tricycle down pretty good!
Sunday morning we loaded up and went to the river. Derek rode with Seth and Jess and it was nice to have all of his family together for the day. Connor was starting to feel better, but Derek and Jess were both sick. Germs didn't get in the way of having a fun day though! We rode on the boat a few times and did some fishing. Colin had been talking about riding on the boat for a while so he was very excited! Terry and Donna grilled out a feast and we're great hosts! It was a day of making fun memories!
Helping drive!
It seemed fitting that Aunt Jessie held Connor while he did the "Jessie stare" for most of the ride ;)
"Under the bridge!!"
He took the driving role very serious. VERY.
Baby in a bucket :)
Corn hole fun. Our attempt at a family pic. Thanks for the booger picking Colin!
Caught a fish!
Checking out daddy's fish. He was a big helper reeling them in!
He kept throwing his line in yelling "catch!" and was very patient waiting for his fish.
Little C!
We got up Monday morning and did a little more fishing and playing before driving back home. After afternoon naps the boys seemed to be feeling much better, but Derek and I felt worse. ha! We're feeling much better today and have had a few nice days recovering and relaxing!
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