Sunday, May 22, 2016

Last day of school and company!

We had a few good catch up/lazy family days last week while Derek was off work.  Lots of outside time for the boys and Colin had his last week of school. Poor guy, he had a mixed year. His teacher changed 1/2 way through and there were 2 pretty aggressive boys in his class. He never wanted to go all year and very rarely left the car without tears. Most of the time he seemed happy at pickup and some days he looked like he had a rough day. I think we were all ready for the year to be done. I'm hoping we'll see less pushing now that he's not around those boys. One bit him the last day of school and he got a medical note sent home. He had a pretty gnarly bite mark for a few days and we've had to deal with him trying to bite us a few times...whew. We've been telling him that his new school in the fall is where we go to church and he seems excited about that! He asks to go to church a few times a week now.

A few last day pics!
**Throwback pic from first day of school in September**
Popsicles after sprinkler fun!
This big guy is sneaky and loves stealing our food/drinks :)
Colin will soon have to have a limit on bed toys...the bulldozer has joined Ellie, Doggy, giraffe, Buzz, Woody, and his digger!
Loving his daddy time more and more! Look at those big top teethies!!
Our usual walk down to the creek. Colin loves to make us laugh, including sacrificing his body on the back of the wagon to make his feet bounce...
Thursday Derek got a new or different virus and felt awful but went on to start his string of night shifts. We got to have some company while he worked though! Alicia and Cowboy came through and stayed a few nights. They moved to Greenville from Chattanooga and she was on her way to Idaho for a while to visit family. I hope she isn't terrified of having kids after her visit, ha. We hit up the park, had a girls night out, went to watch Eli play soccer, and went on lots of walks with Cowboy. I wish I had taken more pictures of our fun! The kids loved Cowboy and loved him riding in our van. Connor would giggle so hard when he brushed up against him or got swatted with his tail :) We haven't seen them since Chicago last year so it was nice catching up!

Eli announced his retirement with this facial expression ;) He wasn't in the soccer mood, but got some ball time!
Saturday I took the boys to the downtown farmers market and we met up with Seth and Jess. It's been many years since I've been and it's so much bigger and better now. We got fresh strawberries, listened to some good jazz music, and got ice cream! We'll definitely be back again soon. We had some fun cousin time and water play last night. Today Colin was so happy to go to church and ran right into his classroom saying bye, yay! Josh has another kidney stone so dad came down to help him with the kids. The boys and I took them lunch and played for a bit, then we all went up to the park after naps and enjoyed the great weather with a pizza picnic! Derek is finally feeling better and has tomorrow off with us! Colin has already asked to do sprinklers and the pool with him, ha.

Seth introduced C to the big horn and he was a fan!

Colin started climbing in and out of Connor's crib to "get him up" from naps. Glad he never tried this in his room!
He wouldn't ever hold his own bottle, but now asks to finish Connor's bottles. Yuck.

Colin asked me to take his picture with his "little Jesus paper". He agreed to color at church today (4 orange lines), last time he told her "I can not"...He's been wearing his Woody costume a good bit too.
Connor watching the big kids in the giant tube slide!

Hi Eli and Colin!
Little Connor photobomb! He loves having freedom at the playground!

Tried to get all 6 in a pic...missing Eli and Micah. Micah was chilling with Chelsea in the shade!

Feeding the ducks!!

Turns out the ducks really like fruit loops!
These boys sure love outside. Connor was so busy crawling wild on the grass, he wasn't feeling like cheesing for the camera.
Pawpaw and Noah flew the kite for a while and the kids loved chasing it! They all looked pretty exhausted when we left tonight!

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