Sunday, May 8, 2016

Mother's Day 2016

Me: Colin did you know today is Mother's Day?
C: Like baby Jesus? Baby Jesus is at church now. least he's talking about Jesus, right?!
Gifts from my sweet kiddos (and hubby!). Derek also got me a cleaning lady for the summer:) :) :)
I'm so blessed and well taken care of!
Today marked my 3rd Mother's Day and by far the best one yet. Year 1 was spent in baby fog depression and year 2 was trying to keep up with an 18 month old at 8 months pregnant, ha; but regardless I'm so thankful for these babes even through the tough first years. Derek had to work this weekend, but I got to spend all weekend with the 2 cuties that call me 'mama'. There are definitely some days I want to drop them off at daycare for 10 hours and go to work, but most of our days are full of lots of laughter, slobbery kisses, and fun adventures!!
Lunch date at the park Friday with my boys (Connor was chowing down on bacon in the stroller)
Jessica and I ran a 5K Saturday morning. It was my 1st in 2+ years and thank goodness Jess was in good shape still from her 1/2 marathon and coached me through it. It was a hilly course but we beat our goal of under 35 minutes. At least we got to eat Edgars and shop the outlets after!!
When I got home Colin told me to sit in his lap to cut my nails :)
Wagon ride down to the creek!

Outside bubble fun with the Andrews crew!
Micah enjoyed the great weather too! 

I woke up to these happy boys today!
My sweet boys at church. Colin requires a weekly picture there now :)

Morgan and Emory came over for lunch to play! These 2 cuties are 5 weeks apart!
Dinner and bubbles with the Shoemake crew!
A few pictures from a little while ago, but forgot to share :) He wants to be a big kid!
LOVE these 2 and their daddy even more!

I sure love being a mom and am lucky to be surrounded by so many awesome moms to learn from! PS, thanks mom for birthing me so I could experience being a mom ;)

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