Friday, May 13, 2016

Yard project and more!!!

Last week our yard renovation was completed. We had neglected our poor hilly backyard and the patio was worse off. We were excited to find someone that could see our vision and make it a more usable space! It was a 2 week project and it turned out great. Colin absolutely loved the workers coming everyday with the big equipment. Of course, according to Colin everything was a 'digger' :) He even got a new toy digger and a big construction book that he now sleeps with! Here are some before and after pics. They leveled the yard, put in a sprinkler system and sod, built a retaining wall at the back, and laid a new patio with pavers. They had to take out a lot of dying trees and fixed up our side yard too.

Patio before with weird rock garden in the middle

Weed-infested yard before :)

Once the trees were out




Side yard after! We actually get light through the windows now!

Patio after

Colin was Derek's big helper dumping rocks down and spreading them out!

We had to say hi to Colin's favorite truck--the trash truck! Connor being Connor ;)

I made homemade meatballs the other night and shockingly the boys loved them and had 3 servings! That was encouragement to keep trying new recipes that we all like.

Thursday night we met Ross and Laura for the Baron's baseball game. It was great weather until a storm came through an hour later, ha. We ran to the cars and went to eat instead.

My sweet date! 

Fun days with the boys this week at the mall and Chickfila!

Balloon sword! Connor chewing on the car during our walk...?

I got to meet baby John Everett (Kate's 5 week old) and he was so sweet and squishy!

Yard fun with C's digger and balls for Connor to chase. Colin loves his 'big new yard'

This kid thinks he's grown!

Connor eats everything and a lot of it! Even when tired :) Colin is into doing silly things to make us laugh lately. He thinks he's super funny!

Sprinkler evenings are a bit hit with both boys too!

This poor booger got sick this week and is a drooling, rash covered, ear infected, crying mess the last 2 days. Thankfully he's been sleeping a lot because when he's awake...whew. Derek took him to the doc Thursday and he's on some strong antibiotics now so hoping they kick in soon! We came to Huntsville this am to have extra help since Derek is working. Tonight he at least drank some apple juice, wahoo!

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