I may be in denial that my cute big guy is on his way to being 3! I want to remember this funny phase we're living in :) Here are some Colin-isms and favorites!
~"No mommy you're cranky"
~"This is my favorite toy" to a different toy each day
~"I miss mommy/daddy/Ellie" as we are sitting there with him usually ;)
~"look, under the bridge", "upa the hill" basically narrating everywhere we go driving
~Discovered shadows
~Consistently saying no thanks, yes ma'am, excuse me, bless you
~Declares who's turn it is for everything, all day. Usually it's Colin's turn!
~Loves sweets, pizza, yogurt, most fruits, velvetta, sandwiches, & soups
~Hates all vegetables except corn
~Loves his Ellie, Doggy, and now Woody
~Pees on the potty every night before bath, but no other time ;)
~Loves all diggers, trucks, buses, trains
~All diggers "scoop up the dirt"
~Echoes every command I tell Connor
~Loves to tickle us :)
~Fixes his toys with his tools all day (they all are 'broken' at some point in the day)
~Mickey Mouse, Cat and the Hat, and Toy Story 3 are the favorites still
~Wants to be outside all day long
~Likes school and playing with Harris and Charlie (both girls!) but cries most days at drop off
~Favorite places to go: the zoo, playground, Lets Play, and McWayne
~Starting to talk about family members more and remembering everyone's names!
He told me to put Connor in the chair with him for pictures :) Then he tried to do the same pose as him, haha.
We LOVE this cute boy more than he'll ever know!!
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