I won't lie...with Colin I counted down the months to his one year birthday. He was a challenging baby and I was ready to reach that big milestone. I guess I thought he'd turn more 'human' at 1 and he'd be easier, ha. And it did get so much more fun for both of us! When Connor was born I reminded myself to soak in the baby stage and that I would miss it one day. I sure did love the snuggles of a newborn and how everything is so new to them. Even though Connor has been a much less challenging baby, I am very ready for him to be 1 too. I find my mommy groove in toddlerhood. Bring on the meltdowns and messes because getting to re-live the fun childhood moments is so awesome for Derek and I. We keep telling ourselves that we only have 1 month left of bottles!!!!
He's 21lbs now (50%) and long. He's in size 9-12 clothes. He has 6 teeth now! He eats everything and veggies are still his favorite. Noodles are new to him (thai and spaghetti) and he loves both. Still loves all fruit too and yogurt. He's gotten the hang of the sippy cup! He sleeps great at night 730-715 and naps twice a day for 1-2 hours each time.
This boy is becoming quite the funny guy. He loves playing peek-a-boo and will hide behind the couch or in the tent and pop out. He loves putting toys in our mouth and us popping them back at him. He likes when we laugh at him hitting himself on the head. He's still big on waving and clapping. He follows Colin around everywhere and laughs at everything he does. Colin has been super sweet to him lately especially when he was sick. He still hates the car seat :(
Love you baby C!!
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