And just like that, it's April! The year is flying by and I love this spring weather! Minus the allergies we all are suffering from, we've been on the go and having fun. Nana came to play last week a few days and I got to do some errands and spend good time with my big guy. Doozie joined for the weekend to dog sit Kirby and came over to play too.
Play date with Lettie and Graham :)
Lots of play-dough fun the past week!
Following Lettie around
Big guy Graham! Colin loves older ladies ;)
Fun trip to Let's Play to meet Lettie and Graham the next day while Nana kept Connor.
Nana and I took the boys to the outlet mall close by to do a little shopping. Colin loved the play area.
Derek was off work this weekend. The men did a lot of yard work (Colin included) and we hung out at the house. It was beautiful weather all weekend! I didn't get many pictures since my phone's storage is full again. Derek and I went to Ross and Laura's engagement party Saturday night! It was fun catching up with old friends...most of whom are not married and don't have kids. So basically we felt old, ha!
Sunday we hung out at the house for a bit after church. Doozie and Nana took the kids outside for a bit before they left to go back home. After naps we took the kids up to the gym to swim. We re-joined the gym for the summer. The kids did great at the gym nursery and both love the indoor pool!

Loving outside!
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