Monday, April 11, 2016

Cousins, Thomas, Petersons and more

We've had an awesome weekend!! We were barely home the last 4 days and we're all exhausted this evening. Friday after gym and naps we had dinner and park time with my family. All the kids love Helena's park! Mom and dad came down to keep Caitlin's kids for the weekend while Cait worked and Josh had a trip. 

C finally tried the swings again (big deal for him)!
Saturday morning mom and dad brought the kids over and kept Connor too while Derek and I took Colin to Calera. Day Out with Thomas comes in town once a year so we thought Colin would love it since trains are still a big deal to him. The experience was awesome and did not disappoint! Colin loved everything and kept yelling "choo choo!" with the whistle (which was constant). The ride was about 25 minutes long and kept his attention! He was disappointed to leave, but we had to get back home to nap before his little friend's birthday party. Catherine turned 2 last week and was in Colin's class at school. Catherine's mom is in my MOPS group too and so sweet. Colin had fun with all the kids there. We rushed back home after cake time to give the kids over to Taylor for date night! We had dinner and went to see Drive By Truckers in concert with Ross and Laura!

Loved that little blue whistle!
Such a fun day! We even got a GT train to add to our tracks at home!
Happy birthday Catherine!!
The Lyric Theater just reopened and it was beautiful!
Fun night with my love!
Sunday morning after church the Petersons came in town! We love getting to catch up with them! Of course our husbands have a lot in common and Alli and Colin love playing with each other so any time we can get together we are excited! We had a sitter keep them so we could go out to lunch and walk around the mall for a bit. After kid naps we all went to the playground for a while! Our big kids played so well together and Alli loved playing with Connor too :) She's getting a baby brother in June and she's so excited! We kept Alli while Steve and Keshia went to see Mumford and Sons in concert. They stayed up late playing and slept great :)

Shaved ice! Connor chewing on Derek's watch, ha. Keshia preggo photobomb ;)
Feeding the ducks 'sandwiches'
This boy is such a mess! He enjoyed his piece of bread :) He's a water boy too!!
Cupcake date!
Play-dough time!!!
Today Derek went to work and the rest of us went to the zoo! The big kids had a blast and Connor napped most of the trip. No pictures since I left my phone in the van...Colin was so sad when they had to go back home and cried 1/2 the way home "Alli come back!" :(  I've never seen him so sad about someone leaving. A plan is in the works to reunite them really soon again!

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