Friday, April 8, 2016

The beginning of best friends

These are some random pictures from the past week or so. I'm staying busy with playing referee to these 2 boys now. Sometimes Colin surprises us and is super sweet to little C and brings him his paci or a toy. Connor is a consistent crawler now and takes off to follow big brother all day, everyday. I believe it's starting to make Colin's eye twitch. Kid pulls up on Colin and tortures him taking every toy. I have to follow them super close. Most of the time Colin just whines and tells him "that's enough" or "no, Connor! My toy". However, there are many occasions where Colin will just throw him to the ground or hit him in the head with the toy (never any other body part...). It will be the new normal around here for a while, ha. Goodness I tortured my sister daily growing up and now we're best friends. ONE day they will be best friends ;)
Colin fixing the tracks that Connor tore apart. And now that track is in the bottom drawer until Connor becomes more human...

Playtime at the Helena waterfall. Or as Colin calls it, "the water falling" :) Most mornings start out with Colin asking to go to the zoo or the water falling.
This boy.
My good looking men before church last weekend :)
So sweet of Colin to share! Connor was beyond himself.
"No more Connor, mine!" Poor little man wasn't going down without a big fight. And ultimately an eviction from the wagon.
MOPS group painting class this week!
"COW!!! Mommy look, COW!!" Fun night at Chickfila.
Ice cream!!!

Working hard at the gym. We are happy to be back at the gym and out of the basement gym for a bit! The kids have done great at the gym nursery and Colin got to swim today for being so well behaved. Derek's been working hard in the flower beds this week! Can't wait until the backyard is done too in a few weeks!

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