Friday, April 22, 2016

I LOVE pictures!!!!!

So I take too many pictures...oh well! Pics from the last week or so!

Mall carousel and train fun!
Escalator love!

These boys sure can be feisty during the day but I prefer to remember these faces :)

Dog love! He giggles so hard at Juno! He also got his first few pieces of dog food before we caught him, ha!
Family time at Let's Play! Connor is starting to get into it now too!
Teaching Connor about wheels

Our usual walk to Marjorie's mom's house to see the river!
Being like daddy

Little love spent one whole day on me sleeping. Naked baby was after he threw up everywhere. Thankfully he's perking up now!
Morning fun at Caitlin's so Connor could rest while the tree crew was at our place! It worked out that Mason came over too! The 3 boys were cute playing outside.
1st try on Eli's 'motorcycle' and he loved it! Mostly loved Eli driving him around!

Cait and Colin racing E and Mason!

Colin sure does love his cousins. He asked almost every morning "go see Eli today mommy?". Then it's "zoo today mommy? Gym today mommy?" He likes to have a plan for his day, ha.

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