Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Trip with my big C

Derek worked this past weekend and we got invited to Chattanooga for some fun! Keshia has a lot of renovations going on that would be pretty dangerous for my wild baby so we left Connor with Doozie and Nana for the night. We went up to Huntsville Friday to play at Mimi's for a bit before we left Saturday morning for Chatty.

Connor chased the animals mostly :)
Yoga nap :) He also learned the stairs...success on his 1st attempt
Friday night we went to stay at Doozie and Nana's house and play!
Saturday we hit the road early and picked Keshia and Alli up for a zoo date! It was a little strange not having both boys to tote around, but so much easier, ha! Colin loved showing off for Alli :) They have a cute zoo! We rode the carousel, the train, and fed/brushed the goats. They played hard and then we took them to get ice cream! Colin got to skip his nap that day and thought that was awesome.

This boy loved chasing after the goats and brushed them all

Keshia made their day with ring pops!
We got a sitter for the kiddos that afternoon and Keshia and I had some good girl time shopping and eating out. We got home to get the kids ready for bed and got a message that she was supposed to come to Steve's work for a little baby shower. We threw the kids in the car and got there just in time! It was way past bedtime but the kids had fun eating goodies and spinning in circles, ha. I definitely paid for his lack of nap/sleep that night and after a bunch of meltdowns from 12-2am I ended up on the couch, ha. Turns out he didn't want me in 'his bed'...
Fun with Doozie and Nana!
Sunday we hopped up and went to church. Colin liked being in Alli's class there and walked right in without tears. Afterwards we had a picnic at the playground in the beautiful weather. We got packed up and headed back to Huntsville. Colin was sad to say bye to Alli but fell asleep as soon as we hit the interstate. I picked up Connor and we stayed the night/morning at mom and dads.

Sleepy boy! Colin had fun on the roller coaster for the longest time!

Little bit LOVES wagon rides :) Mimi taught C how helicopters work. Colin really loved being able to see the big space shuttle from their house!
We were all ready to get back home to Derek Monday. We spent the day relaxing and found out after Connor's nap that he had a 103 fever :( He slept most of the day yesterday and today I took him to the doc. Right ear infection (always the same ear with him) and on an antibiotic. Poor guy has fallen asleep on me 5+ times today randomly. Hope this one doesn't last long!!

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