Wednesday, December 3, 2014

The Big 3-0!!

Today is Derek's birthday!! I can't believe we're going to be in our 30s! College seems like yesterday. 30 is going to be a good year for us both though :) We went to Huntsville yesterday to celebrate with Derek's parents. We went to eat at Connor's and had a delicious dinner. Then back to their place for presents and cake. Colin was a sweet boy and enjoyed playing with Doozie and Nana.
My favorite people :)
Have to add the Budweiser candle for class.
Giving Doozie and Nana love!
This morning we packed back up and headed home. Colin's cold turned into a lovely barky cough this morning so he watched his movie the drive home and took a great nap when we got home. He had a slight fever this afternoon but played great with Eli and eventually got back to himself. For dinner we went to Superior Grill with all our siblings! We love living close to everyone!! It was abnormally crowded, slow, and loud with parties beside us (so NOT Colin's atmosphere preference ;)) so he was not all about sitting in his chair. This preggo was hungry and impatient...poor waiter :( But the food was great and it was good to see everyone!
This month marks 10 years together, which is just nuts! I love this guy and life is such an adventure with him. Each year just gets better and more fun! Love you babe!!

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