Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve!

3 days of posts in a row! I will say, holidays with kids are 100x better than without kids and I want it all documented! We started our day with visiting Chelsea and Mason at their new house! Mason is so grown and so funny to watch now! He's definitely keeping up with Colin!

Mason showed Colin around the house ;)

Then it was home for some baking! We made 7 layer bars and sugar cookies for Derek's work, sugar cookies for Santa, manicotti for Christmas night, and sausage balls while Caitlin put together our lasagna Christmas lunch and made us all a yummy homemade chicken and dumplings dinner! The kitchen wasn't pretty, but sure did smell nice :) We also made Derek's ugly Christmas sweater for him to wear to work!

He loved helping, hope he always wants to help Momma cook!
Chef Caitlin!
Eli's plate of cookies he decorated! Those cookies were so yummy, of course I LOVE sprinkles!
Pretty proud of his sweater! I think his patients will love it too :)
Someone is just a LITTLE excited his dad is back to wrestle with him ;)

Josh's mom sent the kids packages to open Christmas Eve. It was super sweet she included Colin and the kids were big fans! They each got a movie, pjs, a snack, and a thermos. Thanks Missy, we miss you! Noah, Chels, and Mason came over for dinner tonight too and stayed to play and watch a movie. I at least got a shot of Noah's foot in the above pic! He also brought us 2 dozen krispy kreme donuts!

In PJs watching a Christmas movie!

 After setting up Santa with milk and cookies, we threw carrots out for his reindeer! It's something we did growing up and thought was so funny. Eli got a kick out of it.

We are most excited to have so much time with family this holiday season and to celebrate what a wonderful year we've had! Holidays aren't always so happy for everyone each year; we feel grateful for our health and blessings this season and pray for those going through a tough time right now. Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus!

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