These cuties have made this month so fun! Caitlin living with us has been so fun and wild. These kids keep us running, but it's been nice to have a tag team buddy and someone to sit on the couch with at night and veg out when Derek's working :) People doubted this living situation would work out so pretty; thankfully me and Caitlin have done this living thing together before and it's been way more awesome this time! Josh arrives Friday and I know they are so excited! I can't imagine a month away from my babies, drive safe tomorrow Josh!
A certain 13 1/2 month old finally is taking steps now too!! Watching Eli run around has paid off! Last night he was going after his push toy Mason had and took 2 great steps. He didn't seem to know he did it :) Then he did it again last night before bed and once today for Derek. We're slowly getting there; I thought it would be right at 14 months- me and my siblings were all 14 months.
This week is Colin's last week of school before the holidays. Caitlin got a job and has house hunting and job stuff this week too. Derek's working a bunch and I'll be wrapping for Christmas! Good thing my energy is coming back now!
Zoo day the other week while the little ones slept at home!
Too much goes on to blog consistently so here are a few pictures to catch up! We've been on the go and had a lot of family and friend time too. This week we had Seth and Jess over to grill out, had a girls shopping afternoon with Marjorie, and OB appointment that went great, lots of Christmas shopping runs, and had Noah's family over yesterday. We even made it back to the gym!
She's so little and cute! Enjoying being the princess of the group!

Everything is a phone these days!

3rd haircut! Did so good!
Colin's school picture :) Before his haircut, ha.
Boys snacking together-they have been eating everything lately!
Family time on the couch, he thinks he's such a big guy now!
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