Tuesday, December 23, 2014

*Part 2*

After Tinsel Trail, we came back to the house and had a great traditional turkey meal. After dinner, it was present time! Colin actually got pretty into ripping the paper and opening boxes. Also, climbing the boxes was a must :) Doozie and Nana are so generous at holidays and put a lot of time into picking out thoughtful gifts.

C got some Thomas trains, a Finding Nemo movie, and an adorable outfit too!

Push Mower fun!

Nana got some new gloves and a new Pandora charm!

Doozie got the exact replica of the above sweatshirt ;) Plus a CD that Derek also got as a gift!

Colin helped us open our presents too :) He's going to be a pro on Christmas morning!

Derek got a super cool ladder! CTP got an awesome train table from his grandparents! It fit perfect in the playroom and we'll slowly add school art projects on the wall above it :)

Boxes are awesome too!
 I didn't have many present ideas for myself, and I'm glad I didn't! I got amazing surprise presents. Especially these 2 things! I've been staring at Petunia diaper bags for 2 years, they are the BEST!  I also wanted a new hobby and keep telling people I want to learn to sew! I was so surprised I actually got a sewing machine! Pressure is on now, haha. I've got to start looking for curtain material now! I'm super excited, thanks Doozie and Nana!

Sunday we relaxed and came back home after Colin's nap. Despicable Me to the rescue on the car ride back :) We had Seth and Jessica over for dinner and Christmas exchange that night. Jess made soup and it was yummy!

Silly boy!

They got Colin a tent and Seth put it together!

Colin was a huge fan, mostly of playing peek a boo and crawling in and out of the door.

We got them gift cards, Seth a head scratcher, and Jess a comical dog poem book. It was nice to just relax and hang out with them!
It was a great weekend spending time with family and a nice get away from doing house projects/cleaning/cooking at home :) We've had a busy Christmas week and we just got back from the grocery store with all the crazies buying for Christmas meals and goodies. I got to run over to Noah and Chelsea's new house today and take lunch. They are all moved it and working on unpacking boxes! Their stuff fit perfect and I think they love it already :) Tomorrow is Christmas EVE! That means baking and cookie decorating time! Derek's on nights through tomorrow night and then he'll get to be home right in time for Christmas morning fun!

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