Friday we packed up and headed to Huntsville to celebrate Christmas with the Patterson side. It's been a while since we've been to Huntsville and even though Colin was sick (per usual with traveling), we had a great weekend! We got to relax and eat A LOT! haha. Colin is in a super clingy stage so sleeping in a different place was a little rough, but he was a funny boy during the day :)
Lots of living room play. He perfecting saying 'ball'
Little climber saying bye-bye
Trying on Doozie's shoes :)
Saturday, we went to Tinsel Trail downtown Huntsville to look at Christmas trees! It was our 1st time to go and it was so cute. So many creative trees! We usually do the Galaxy of Lights, but it was nice to do something different and Colin enjoyed it!
So oblivious to the ducks quacking at him, ha!
Drumming fun!!
Part 2 up next....
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