Our big guy just keeps growing! He is such a funny boy and is learning something new everyday.
He is saying dada, daddy, mama, cat, bye bye, and the newest ones are 'ball ball', 'moo', and 'yum yum'. He runs (crawls) after balls all day long! Peek and boo and chasing him are the favorite games these days.
Loves to lounge with mom in the mornings drinking milk and watching a cartoon :)
Still in 12-18/18 month clothes and weighs over 25lbs now! He's getting tall too! He points to his stomach when you say tummy and if you tell him to give you a bite, he'll feed you. He's so good at sharing when we ask for things and will even give you his pappy when you ask for it- now THAT'S love :)
Peek a boo! This is how I get ready for the day--with Mr. Destruction :)
He is perfecting standing alone this week and occasionally will take a step. He is getting prouder. He loves climbing steps and climbing onto chairs too. He stops to dance (bounce) with songs on tv and loves Mickey and doc mcstuffins these days.
Definitely teething still too! Poor couch!
It's been a super clingy month and my arms are getting so sore! Ha. He doesn't even want to sit in shopping carts right now or let me walk into the kitchen for a minute without yelling with his arms stretched out. So I have an extra appendage right now and that's ok. Won't last much longer I'm sure!
Oh those lashes. And that lovie :) Watching them sing Happy Bday to someone at Sumo, yum Japanese food!
Dude sleeps usually 730-730/8, waking up to look for his paci a few times ;) He is still taking an awesome 3-4 hour nap each day too. Sleeping with 7 pacis and his lovie is a must! He's really into his books before nap and bed too. He's been on an awesome schedule the past week but that will change next week when he goes back to school. I do think he misses that routine though and gets bored being at the house too much.
Such a mini-me. He loves helping dad vacuum so Aunt Caitlin got him his own!
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