It's 2015! We've had a big year and 2015 will be even wilder for us. It's always nice to look back on the year and think about how much has happened! It really flew past this year. Most importantly we've had a healthy and happy year!
This year was full on transitions- first holidays with C (Vday, Easter, mothers day, fathers day), baby Colin turning into a big boy...crawling/talking/eating/(almost) walking, Mason joining the family, Kendall joining the family, Derek finishing residency, moving states, 2 beach trips, D starting his 1st attending job, finding out we're having baby #2, Colin's 1st birthday, D passing his (almost) last boards, Derek's 30th bday, New Orleans trip, 1st Christmas with all of our family living back in Alabama...I'm sure there are more things.
So much positive change in one year! We've enjoyed being a family of 3 this year and have really learned C's personality. It's a big one! I have been fortunate to stay home with him since April, and although many times I've missed working, I feel so fortunate to get to be the one to teach him new things and watch him grow daily. He's such a funny boy and has taught me so much. He is the perfect fit for Derek and I, and we've become much more confident parenting him. It's by far the toughest job, but I had no idea what I was missing out on before having him. It's just the best :)
We have no set goals or resolutions for 2015. Just to take life slower and enjoy the little things more. We want to really soak up the next 6 months with Colin before he's no longer the center of attention 24/7 :) It's going to be a fun year!!
NYE was pretty low key here. C and I went shopping, we went to look at a house with Cait's crew, Seth and Jess came over to grill out, and we watched the Orange Bowl. It was an awesome game and GT won! They had a great season...beating GA and winning the Orange Bowl were the main highlights!

Errands with mom NYE
Big win for Tech!
Even Jess stayed awake the whole time! We all had enough sugar cookies to keep us going! Actually- turns out she was up way past midnight- wild one, ha!
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