We had a great long weekend with Derek off work! We started our weekend at the zoo with Seth, Jess, and their friends that were in town. It was strangely empty for a Saturday which was awesome! Connor is finally seeing some of the animals which is cute. Colin loved it all per usual.
Feeding giraffes with Uncle Seth!
C used to be terrified of riding on shoulders...now he LOVES it! Little C caught a cat nap :)
Love my little adventurous family!
Saturday was dad's birthday and since they were in town for the weekend we went out for an early dinner at one of our favorites without the kiddos. Colin stayed up later than usual to hang out outside with us eating dessert and helping pawpaw open his present. Derek helped dad celebrate turning 56 with some scotch and cigars.
We had to blow out candles a few times ;)
Sunday we had church and then Derek took Colin to the gym to swim. They just opened the outdoor pool! It's so nice with a kid waterfall and slides. Sadly for Colin they wouldn't let him do the big slides (he's 6" too short). Tomorrow he starts private swim lessons and the girl has a slide at her pool. He'll be so excited to get to go down it! He loves the pool and is pretty fearless now, but it's time to start working on some real swimming!
Colin's obligatory church picture. He was proud of the crown they made and agreed to color again this week. wahoo!
Monday we had a belated birthday party for Kendall! She is getting to be such a funny, talkative girl. She still loves babies and is quite the singer and dancer now! Can't believe the 3 middle babes are all 2 now! Noah and Mason had to miss bc Mason was sick :( We had pizza, cupcakes, and girly presents! These kids get funnier each time they are together. Eli and Colin ran off on their own outside and Kendall followed the babies around. We think these are the tough days...I can't imagine when they are all teenagers together!
Connor had to hide with big bro!
Diggers! Silly faces!
Sweet birthday girl :)
They were in the picture mood so we took advantage!
Rocking her new baby doll! Mimi with sweet Micah!
Love this crazy crew!