Thursday, April 28, 2016

CTP is 2.5 years old!

I may be in denial that my cute big guy is on his way to being 3! I want to remember this funny phase we're living in :) Here are some Colin-isms and favorites!

~"No mommy you're cranky"
~"This is my favorite toy" to a different toy each day
~"I miss mommy/daddy/Ellie" as we are sitting there with him usually ;)
~"look, under the bridge", "upa the hill" basically narrating everywhere we go driving 
~Discovered shadows 
~Consistently saying no thanks, yes ma'am, excuse me, bless you 
~Declares who's turn it is for everything, all day. Usually it's Colin's turn!
~Loves sweets, pizza, yogurt, most fruits, velvetta, sandwiches, & soups
~Hates all vegetables except corn
~Loves his Ellie, Doggy, and now Woody
~Pees on the potty every night before bath, but no other time ;)
~Loves all diggers, trucks, buses, trains
~All diggers "scoop up the dirt"
~Echoes every command I tell Connor 
~Loves to tickle us :)
~Fixes his toys with his tools all day (they all are 'broken' at some point in the day)
~Mickey Mouse, Cat and the Hat, and Toy Story 3 are the favorites still
~Wants to be outside all day long
~Likes school and playing with Harris and Charlie (both girls!) but cries most days at drop off
~Favorite places to go: the zoo, playground, Lets Play, and McWayne
~Starting to talk about family members more and remembering everyone's names!

He told me to put Connor in the chair with him for pictures :) Then he tried to do the same pose as him, haha.
We LOVE this cute boy more than he'll ever know!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Weekend adventures with big C

Colin woke up Saturday asking to go see diggers and fire trucks! He had been looking forward to 'Touch a Truck' day for a few days and hopped up early ready to go! Sick little Connor stayed back with Taylor. His penicillin rash kept getting worse and he has been exhausted all day the past few days so he stayed home and slept. A local church hosted the event and we got there early so we were first in line for most of the trucks. We walked around 'driving' all the trucks for a few hours with Josh and the kids. They got to decorate construction hats and cookies too which was cute. Derek had to work nights this weekend and we missed him!
After months of obsessing over Eli's Woody doll, we got him one and he is hooked. Woody goes everywhere with us now and Ellie mostly sticks to the bed. He sits outside with him showing Woody the diggers in the yard :)

Trash truck was his favorite!
He hung in the ambulance the longest to cool off with his sucker

Lunch break!
If Colin has a sucker...he will steal it. He loves to rub them all over his hands and face, ha!
Sleepy boy! He likes to give high fives now and was practicing with daddy!
Sunday morning we went to church and then left Connor to nap with Taylor while Colin and I did some shopping and went to Emory's 1st birthday party. This year has gone by so fast that I can't believe our little ones are almost 1! Colin loved the park and the bubbles of course :) He sure does love his mommy-me time and it was nice to get outside for a bit in the beautiful weather.
Church playground fun since we always get there too early

C tells me to take his picture now and chose this chair at church for a pic :)
Sweet Emory!
Marshmallows and bubbles!!
The pretend fire truck was a favorite!
The yard crew came back to finish the yard project and Colin he been glued to the window. He loves all the machines and last week we got him a big truck ID book to learn what they are all called. Seth and Jess came for dinner yesterday and we got to play in the dirt and digger after the workers left :)
Aunt Jessie brought peach cobbler and my sugar-holic boys were in heaven.
This boy is always chewing something...syringes, suckers, you name it!

Uncle Seth teaching C all about the digger!

Friday, April 22, 2016

I LOVE pictures!!!!!

So I take too many pictures...oh well! Pics from the last week or so!

Mall carousel and train fun!
Escalator love!

These boys sure can be feisty during the day but I prefer to remember these faces :)

Dog love! He giggles so hard at Juno! He also got his first few pieces of dog food before we caught him, ha!
Family time at Let's Play! Connor is starting to get into it now too!
Teaching Connor about wheels

Our usual walk to Marjorie's mom's house to see the river!
Being like daddy

Little love spent one whole day on me sleeping. Naked baby was after he threw up everywhere. Thankfully he's perking up now!
Morning fun at Caitlin's so Connor could rest while the tree crew was at our place! It worked out that Mason came over too! The 3 boys were cute playing outside.
1st try on Eli's 'motorcycle' and he loved it! Mostly loved Eli driving him around!

Cait and Colin racing E and Mason!

Colin sure does love his cousins. He asked almost every morning "go see Eli today mommy?". Then it's "zoo today mommy? Gym today mommy?" He likes to have a plan for his day, ha.