Sunday, September 18, 2016

The woes of potty training

Potty training started this week...we had 2 great days and then we went backwards the past 2. We've been just too busy and out every day so I can't blame him. This will be a slower week so hoping we can get back on track! He LOVES candy corn pumpkins (like his mama) and that has been his reward. He usually has 3-4 successful potty trips each day. In between our hourly potty breaks we had lots of fun things going's some pictures of our week!

I took the boys to McWayne Center Tuesday morning and we took Pawpaw and K with us (Cait and Josh spent the week in Savannah and Pawpaw kept the kiddos for the week).

These 2 have become buddies and had a blast

Just some fossil digging

Dance party and collecting things for Pawpaw

Derek has had to work a lot this week, but when he's home he sure is the desired parent, ha. Colin and him play trains every 5 minutes and Connor makes him carry him everywhere...and steals his bacon :)

A little afternoon dodge ball! The 'littles' side...

The big guys! Colin sure looks up to his big cousin and tells me every nap and bedtime that he misses him. 

Another successful gymnastics class at he gym!
Noah invited us all over for a cookout Friday night! The kiddos had a blast!

They played hard and Colin keeps asking when we can go back to Mason's 'party house'

A little tea party while Pawpaw and I watched Tenn and GT play (both won!)

We had a birthday party to go to for Emily (MOPS friend's 4 year old). Colin has been to their house before and loves it. He loves letting the girls take care of him (boss him) ;) Right when we pulled up he told me he needed to rest his eyes for a few minutes, ha. He almost fell asleep (he skipped nap for the party) but got his second wind and had a great time!

Colin hung with the sisters...he LOVES playing with girls!

Princess/Pirate theme was a big hit with all the kids!

After seeing me cuddling Connor before bed in his room, Colin asked to be rocked too. Mommy win!

Church picture...too busy chatting to look at the camera :)

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