Friday, September 9, 2016

MDO 2016

School started back this week and the kids and I were both ready! It's been a super fun (and hot) summer, but routine is our gig and Colin has talked about going to his new school for a while now!

Crazy that this is Colin's 3rd year at MDO. He was such a cute little thing :)

Connor's first year! He's clueless, but I think he'll like going too!

I missed these boys by hour 3 and was ready to hear about their days!

Connor's cute hands :) I got myself a celebration snack!
Tea time with big C! Lot's of sink water gets drank each night. It's become part of our nightly routine once Connor goes down. Sometimes we eat too many cookies too... :)

The sweet husband was so thoughtful and had these delivered this week :) :)

I've been wanting to take Colin to our gym's mommy and me gymnastics class forever. He was slow to warm up (didn't understand why we had to do stretches with the class first), but after a few minutes loved it all (minus the rings)!
So proud of him letting the teacher work with him...he's come so far being an introvert!

He loved the obstacle course and by the end was exhausted! On the way to the van he said he "loved his gymnastics school". It's nice having a little one on one time with him, we'll be back next week!

Today Colin went for his second day and no tears at carline drop off! It took us to March last year to have no tears! He was excited to see us pick him up and Ms. Susan said he was wonderful and got to ring the bell for being her big helper :) Fridays will be mommy/Connor days and I'm excited to get to take him to library story time and do things just with him for a few hours. He hasn't gotten to do much with his age group. Today we had to run errands to finish preparing for our shower tomorrow, but he was a tropper and we had a nice lunch at Jason's Deli (our love language is food)! Boys are napping good now and in a few hours we get to go pick up Derek!!!

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