It's hard to believe we have an almost 3 year old and a 15 month old. We are forever done with the baby phase and the many "firsts". Even though it's a little sad to move into this crazy toddler x2 phase and leave cuddly baby age behind, these boys are a hoot and are the bestest friends! A year ago Colin would barely let us put Connor next to him for a picture (NO touching), ha. Now Connor is all over him and he's find with all his wet kisses (he hates us kissing him though, haha). It's fun watching them play and chase each other all over. They play in the tent forever just talking and giggling. Colin is so patient with him while he is learning to not hit and throw things at his face. He just tells us he's silly and has taken over telling Connor 'stop'. Little man listens to him better than us most of the time. Love these boys and glad they have each other for life :)
Daddy loving before work! As Derek walks out the door Colin starts with the "I miss daddy"
Tackling has begun...
And stealing each other's seat!
Watching daddy jump over the wall at Colin :)
Teacups! Our brave guy moving up to the 2nd story obstacle course!
Nori date (fam fav)...the owner's wife carries Connor and big C to see the fish every time...and brings them strawberry slices. We go weekly bc they love these boys!
Publix love!
Colin multitasking cuddling brother and eating breakfast
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