Friday, September 2, 2016

Cait's birthday/graduation/employment party and more!

We finally all could get together to celebrate Caitlin's 30th birthday (the 26th)! Mom, dad, and Noah's family came over and we surprised her with a dinner Monday. We also celebrated her graduation/passed her boards/new job news! It's been a long 2 years for her and she is officially done and doesn't have to work any more weekends! To say she is thrilled would be an understatement. Josh, the kids, and all of us are so happy too!

Weekly church pic!

He definitely is a bedtime lingerer these days, but it's also my only time with just him. So we laugh, sing, look at pictures on my phone from the day, make big plans for the next day, and read too many books!

Park trip morning Monday, it was already way too hot!

Surprise! The kids were excited to see each other! K showed off her painted nails (1st time) and Micah showed off her 'no-knee' crawling :)

Teething. On my oven-mit. This boy has been miserable lately. They chaotic, laugh filled dinner with 6 babies!

Ring around the rosy

Fun day at McWayne before daddy leaves!

Let's Play!!

Connor helping dad get a new suitcase...

This makes my music-loving self happy :)

Loving their new tea set they got this week. Got a bring in the big guns to help distract from the fact daddy is gone 9 days!

Silly Connor boy. Colin showing Connor how to use the new drill. Colin picked out the tea set and Connor picked out the drill :)

The guys flying out Thursday night! Minus missed 2 suitcases it sounds like they are enjoying Dublin so far! It's game time tomorrow, GO TECH!!

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