Monday, September 12, 2016

Cook baby shower and Derek is home!

These were 2 happy boys to see their daddy! Derek brought them some cute presents and brought me some wonderful surprises too :) We are so excited he's back!

Saturday I helped host a baby shower for Bryan and Monica's 2nd baby, coming in October! The gender is going to be a surprise and I'm excited to see if Grady will get a brother or sister! We had it at our house and it was fun to see old UAB friends and see our kiddos playing together!


The kids were worn out from playing! We said a few times we weren't going to buy a bounce house for the kids...well after renting them a few times, it was obvious that buying one would be 100x cheaper as many parties as we have! Kids want to bounce every day now, ha.
Family Zoo day Sunday morning after the Cook family left! Colin was very serious during our train ride :) All the animals were out and playful! Connor especially loved the monkeys!

I love how he grabs our hands and walks that way everywhere now :) Owl blanky had to come that day...

 Colin got to help feed the elephant apple slices. He LOVED that and said next time he's bringing Ellie to show her the big elephant :)
Of course Colin wouldn't let us forget to feed his favorite friend!!
"Woof woof!"-Connor to the coyote :) Colin got a pretty bad skinned knee at the zoo, but was more worried about getting a dog Band-Aid asap!
Carousel with daddy! I love that sometimes he picks the non-moving bench :)
Connor was in water heaven while Derek took Colin on the carousel!
After the zoo Derek kept the napping boys while I joined Caitlin and Eli at the outlet mall. She needed to get some new work clothes and I enjoyed some girl time!

This silly boy rowed our boat, jumped on turtles and kept us pretty entertained :)

This monkey boy has been obsessed with balls and even holds them in the car now. Nice forehead bruise huh? He currently has 3 of them! Door frames are not his friend.
New favorite game, ha.

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