Life is pretty sweet these days. Connor is getting around so fast and Colin is learning to hide toys from him or sit on the couch so he doesn't crawl on him :) Connor is pretty aggressive, ha. In the past few weeks I have started to really take the kids out alone and it's been great getting out more! It has been a life saver that Connor enjoys his stroller and will play in there while I chase Colin at the playground or ChickFilA. He is content to sit and watch people so we've done a lot of outings lately just the 3 of us and it's gone really smooth! I'm more excited now for summer and more adventures with these babies. Here are some random photos from the last few weeks.
Daily park visit ;)
Same day, diff park!
Helena's park was so nice! All the kids got together to play! Connor and Micah were just a bit young to throw rocks, so they stuck on their mommas :) Uncle Josh had to show off his jumping skills...ha
Big boy LOVES riding in the cart now! He also does highchairs at restaurants and looks around so proud smiling at everyone!
Jump jump jump!
Ya'll, he'll smile for the camera now! Wahoo!!
Won't take off his construction hat. Had his 1st ChickFilA milkshake after playing with his "friends" in the play place! He told them he would miss them and "see you soon" as we left!
Getting so big!
Colin spotted the cow and ran right up to him for a high five!
We chased him around a few times :) Connor loved their French fries!
Whew this kid is mobile...
Time to lower the bed again!
1st ice cream trip of the season! Colin and I share a great love for mint oreo!
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