Connor is almost 100% over his cold, wahoo. Hoping we can have a few weeks healthy! We've had a good week. We've had playdates, lots of daddy time (he's off for a week!!), and had a date night with Ross and Laura too. Colin is talking so much now and likes to be in charge :) He is now telling other kids to go to time out and that they are "in trouble"...whew...I hope he ends up CEO of something one day! Connor still thinks he's amazing even though he tells him "no Connor" all day long. Connor is so close to crawling, but can scoot pretty fast! He's becoming quite attached to me and if he sees me in the room he panic-scoots to me. I'm hoping that it's partly because he's been sick, but he's at the age for separation anxiety to start, so we'll see. These kids keep us busy and going all day. We rarely are sitting down (but on the floor to be jumped on) all day, but we're loving it and we know the days are numbered that they WANT to play with us ;)
Thinking he's a big boy!
Riding cars with Lettie & Graham! He was quite content being the passenger. Seeing these 3 driving reminded me why we don't have one! We constantly were chasing them to hold the car back from crashing into everything :)
Cute boys hiking in the woods behind Marjorie's mom's house down the street from us! They are sweet for letting us hike through their yard. Sometimes multiple times a week!
Throwing rocks in the water! Poor Marjorie was a trooper hiking being so pregnant!
Cuties walking back to our house for lunch...and Connor trying to climb out of the stroller. I had him by the foot...
Exhausted eating lunch! They play so well together and Marjorie and I got to catch up! It's nice not to do this 'stay at home mom' thing alone :)
This is how much he loves the TV
This girl...and this outfit. Love! I watched Cait's kids for a little bit Wednesday and Eli wore a special outfit for me! Pants not necessary...and are rarely worn ;)
Too cool!
Colin frequently makes us all go into his (small) tent. He loves pulling us in and makes Connor come too. You can see how shocked Connor is by it all ;)
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