This little man of ours is really keeping us on our toes now! Just this week he has changed so much! He was 9 months on Tuesday and decided the next day to start pulling up on EVERYTHING! His crib, chairs, the slide, the pantry shelves...he's a busy boy!
We had his 9 month checkup today and he weighs 19.4lbs (43%), he's 30inches long (97%), and his head is 92%. Long and skinny boy! He's wearing 9-12 month clothes and size 3 diaper. He's eating a lot of finger foods now. He's liked pretty much everything he's had; mac n cheese, grapes, grilled cheese, soups, muffins, and type of bread, pizza, etc. He still has just 2 teeth surprisingly, since he's been teething the last 2 months.
He's loving the weather and being outside. He's happy in his stroller watching people :) He also loves--his paci, chewing on his Sophie and everything else, throwing toys, climbing all over us. He does NOT love- being put down, diaper changes, cold food/drink, his toy taken from him, waiting in his crib when he wakes up. He has a temper and can be so loud, but he gets over things so fast! For the most part he is a laid back baby that loves attention and smiling big for anyone who talks to him!For the first time this week he got so upset when I left him in the nursery at MOPS. I looked back at Colin's 9 month post and this started at the same time for him. Connor definitely prefers momma over anyone else, maybe even more so than Colin did at this age. Just as Colin is slowing growing out of the clingy phase, I'm inheriting the replacement :)
Throwback of Colin at 9 months! Seems like forever ago. Goodness he was a good bit chunkier!
Today is St Patty's Day. Since the boys have some Irish on them on both sides of the family, we had to take a few pics in their green shirts :)
I'm out of here!
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