Monday, March 14, 2016

Eli is 4 and our weekend!

The birthday celebrations continued last week. Eli turned 4 on Thursday. I still remember waiting for the call from California that he was born and how excited I was to be an aunt! He's such a sweet, funny, and imaginative boy!! He had a birthday party Friday with the family (we missed you Noah!)and we all had fun bouncing in the moonwalk and hanging out.

 K likes to keep her mouth open like Connor ;)
Flying Pawpaw!
 Eli showing off his wrestling moves on Mimi while Colin jumps in peace in the back!

Eli got a sandbox for his birthday! Sweet Micah observed from the sidelines :)

Best part---Cupcakes!! Eli helped bake and ice them!

Connor slept most of the party, but was all about trying to grab Micah's toes!

The boys helped me blow out the candles on the birthday cake mom made me! 
Mom and dad stayed the weekend and we had lots of good family time. Saturday we went back to jump some more on the moon bounce. For lunch we took mom and dad to Bottega for lunch while the boys slept, so yummy! Lots of basketball watching this weekend too! Sunday afternoon I took Kendall with me to Grace's bridal shower. K is the flower girl and is walking with Eli and Colin down the aisle! Sunday night we met Seth and Jess at the park for pizza and fun! We fed the ducks and Connor did lots of swinging :) Colin had everyone taking turns chasing him and the weather was perfect! He's lucky he has such sweet (and athletic) aunts and uncles, he can wear you out at the park!
Pretty Grace! Almost got K to crack a smile! I think she was a bit nervous 2 of her babysitters were there. She was perfectly content sitting in my lap :)

 Connor adores the swings!
Colin's new favorite part of the playground is this drainage hole. The water flowing amazes C, ha.

Feeding ducks "sandwiches" is his favorite thing!

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