Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Celebrating the big 2 and the old 31!

It's been a fun birthday week! Mainly because my birthday is sandwiched between 2 kiddo birthdays and those are the best kind of parties! Mason had his birthday party Saturday at the playground, a.k.a. our 2nd home these days :) The kids had a lot of fun running around and feeding ducks. We chowed down on pizza and donuts. I can't believe Mason is 2!! That seemed to go by so fast! He is such a sweet boy and keeps everyone on their toes with his acrobatic, daring self ;)

The 2 littles. They enjoyed being outside and watching the big ones!

Party hats, wahoo!
Sweet birthday boy! Colin thoroughly enjoyed the festivities :)

Present time!

Josh playing Frisbee with the 3 boys...we missed Caitlin (she had to work) :(
We tested the sand out with Connor at the park and he loved it...and eating it too :)
Colin helped Derek make me a funfetti birthday cake! He was such a big helper if you count licking all the icing ;)

He loves all the talk about birthdays now and wants to blow out candles and eat birthday cake everyday :) He knows part of the birthday song now too.

Monday I turned 31 and Derek was off work so we had a nice family day! Derek surprised me with a beautiful necklace that had their initial charms and birthstones! He also got me a gift card for a hair a keratin hair treatment, yay! So sweet of him! Colin and I had birthday cake for breakfast! We stole Eli for the day while Josh studied and took the kids to the zoo! Eli and Colin LOVE the zoo and Connor was happy napping and chilling in his stroller :)
Elephants and monkeys are big favorites!
Attempt at a group selfie on the train ;)

First train ride for the boys was a big success!

Connor was mostly amused by the wooden railing he chewed the whole time. haha
Eli spend the afternoon with us and loved on Connor. He laughed and laughed at Eli and I think they will be best buds too :)
We got to have a date night with Seth and Jess for birthday dinner.! It was nice to relax and have some adult tie!!
Turning 31 is not so bad when I'm as blessed as I am!!

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