Thursday, March 31, 2016

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Easter 2016

First Easter with 2 kids was successful! Unfortunately Derek worked nights this weekend, so we kept busy out of the house so he could sleep during the days. Saturday we went to the church down the street for an Easter festival. I thought it was just a small cute egg hunt but they had some inflatable mazes, huge slides, cotton candy, car rides, and ended with an egg hunt. We met up with a friend from MOPS and it was so fun! Colin has been surprising us lately with his fearlessness. He kept up with the big kids today with no problem and wanted to do everything by himself. Except for the last slide that was so big that he wasn't allowed to do it unless I went with him. It was fast too!!
Big little guy :) Going up the big slide!
A little assistance needed on parts of the obstacle courses. This sweet girl 'caught' Colin at the end of the slide and played with him for a while.
My sweet big guy!
They had a train of little cars that circled the parking lot the kids could pretend to drive :)
Not to sure about this egg hunt thing, ha.

"Look Mommy, eggs in there!" He was so excited to shake them to hear the candy :)
I got brave and after lunch we went up to the gym! It was a free day for members 'on hold'. Connor tried out the nursery for the 1st time and I took Colin to the indoor pool. Derek and I took both boys up to their pool last week and Colin has been talking about it everyday since. He was so happy to find a few kids his age to splash with. He probably jumped off the side 50 times with a little girl. Colin was so worn out when we got home! They took naps and Noah and Josh brought the crews over for dinner. The kids chased each other forever.
Happy water boy

Even jumped onto his belly! Brave boy!
This one did great for his 1st time there! We ate some lunch there before heading home for naps!
Easter morning I got really brave and took the boys to church. It's been a few months since we've been due to baby naps and Colin crying so much in the nursery. They both did outstanding and the service today was great. Colin said "church fun" the whole way home. I could have done a happy dance! Connor passed out in the swing in the nursery 1/2 way through, ha. I'm glad we're at a place now where we can get back to church again!
Cute church boys!

A few pics before we left church
Connor was equally excited about the eggs in the basket. The Easter Bunny threw in a cute Easter book and a Mickey toy for the boys to share.
Teaching Connor to shake the candy. He was proud and kept saying "good Connor, good job!". So glad C agrees to sit beside him now for pics!

Loved his Mickey camper. Cute little 2 teeth boy!
It was a fun weekend with my little men. We are all ready for Derek to be off work tomorrow!!