Wednesday, September 2, 2015


1. This baby is just cute. Sometimes fussy in the evening, but getting better. He loves his naps and sometimes even on his tummy :)
No worries, he can turn his head to the side now!
2. Caitlin's birthday dinner was a success and chaotic as usual. The kids do pretty good all going into Eli's room to play. It's nice to have a little quiet adult conversation when they do that! :) Connor was having a rough night and we ended up leaving early, but it was good to have everyone together!

Kendall following me with that bottle to give to Connor :)
3. Caitlin and the kids hung out with me Monday night while Derek worked and Josh had school. The kids were sweet and Ms. K is in love with this baby. She pretty much doesn't leave his side :)

Paci success--she held it in to make sure he kept it for a while...I do the same thing sometimes girl, ha!
4. Colin started back MDO Tuesday. He's in a 2 year old class and I hope he has a great year! His teacher is sweet and he did well sleeping on his cot for nap. In less than 2 months, this boy will be 2!

Last year's 1st day of school!
5. Uncle Seth and Aunt Jessie brought over a delicious dinner Tuesday night and Colin has a new best friend :) Lets just say he's a little disappointed that momma can't fly him around in the baby seat today like Uncle Seth can!
6. After watching Colin's obsession with Mamaw's stroller this weekend, C and I went to Toys R Us with some gift cards and found him a cart to push around! Ellie and Doggie sit up front in the car. He loves wheeling around his toys and fake veggies/fruits.
7. This boy of mine cracks me up. He's so smart and mature at his age, I sometimes forget that if he's gone a while it may be trouble. Usually he doesn't get into anything! Thought we missed the toilet paper stage, but apparently he just discovered it's greatness and won't leave it alone now...along with flushing the toilet all day. When I caught him this time, he just closed the door like I wouldn't be able to hear him play with it, ha. He did ask to sit on the potty before bath last night and tried his best to pee. Too cute and it's good to see him taking some interest :)

8. We leave for Atlanta tomorrow for the 1st GT football game. We are taking the boys and I'm excited to see what Colin thinks. I know he'll like the tailgating and just running around. He loves music so hopefully he'll like the band. We're not sold we'll last past the 1st quarter, but that's ok since it's not a big game. We've been wanting to take Colin to the aquarium for a while now so we'll do that Friday morning. We know he'll LOVE that! In case he's traumatized by the loud football game, we'll get redemption points once he sees those fish!! :)

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