Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Surprise surprise

Us crazy kids decided to come up to Huntsville this past weekend to surprise mom for her birthday. It was the first time we were all home at the same time in over 5 years probably. Derek was the only one missing (work) and we missed him!!

The crew waiting on mom to pull up!
Surprise! Sweet Eli picked Mimi flowers of her favorite color :)
Mom was definitely surprised and we all had a fun day together! Everyone stayed the night (babies and pack and plays everywhere!) and their families left Sunday. Me and the kids stayed until Tuesday morning. It was nice to have extra help and Derek got to sleep during the day in peace at home ;)

Need just a few more seats ;)
Roll tide-Eli 
GT had another sad loss to Duke and then Tenn ended up losing too :(
What are you thinking Vols?!?
Babies in a box!
Playing with mommy's phone from high school!
Coolest buggy award goes to Kroger!! These boys love being outside!
We visited Mimi while she was volunteering at the Asbury thrift store. Colin wouldn't part with this fire truck. I told him on the way to school that he had to leave it in the car. Wrong thing to say!
Sunday we spent the morning with Doozie, Nana, and Aunt Jessie. Colin had a big time playing outside and little C spent a lot of time sleeping. Nana got the boys some cute outfits too! Speaking of sleep- this child will sleep great 1 night and then wake up every hour the next! He still has a snotty nose and a small cough, so that may be the reason. But it's rough on this mama when Derek's working and can't help at night! One day they will be sleeping in and fighting me to stay in bed...right?!

Grilling up some steaks for Nana and Jess!
Fun with Doozie
Loves playing cars/trains these days!
 We got back in time for Colin to go to school yesterday (he wasn't too thrilled-every time I ask him if he wants to go to school he boldly states NO!). I had a lot to catch up on at home. Today Derek was home and we caught up on errands and house stuff in between playing with the boys. I haven't been good about my big C monthly updates. He turns 2 in less than a month! He is quite hilarious and bossy these days ;) He's become so patient about us needing to tend to Connor and has been such an easy boy to take out/travel with. Love him sooo :)

He makes us put Ellie and Doggy on his rail most nights...within a few minutes he grabs Ellie but most of the time Doggy stays up there. Maybe he's watching over him while he sleeps? ha! On a sucker kick lately, he told me today to go downstairs to get 'sucker'. He then needed 2 at all times this evening...little stinker.

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