Friday, September 25, 2015

Recovery week

We are all finally healthy again, wahoo! Derek had the week off and minus Connor sleeping awful at night, it was a good week! He slept much better last night after giving him more food each feed yesterday.
I got to keep these 2 babes Monday while Cait worked and Josh had class! It had been too long since I had one on one time with them!

This little princess gives me my girlie fix! Can't wait til we can go get pedicures together!!

Speaking of pedicures, Marjorie and I snuck away without kids Tuesday to get coffee and our toes done!
Little booger :)
Big guy got a haircut and has spent a lot of time with daddy this week!
Wednesday Derek and I had a lunch/shopping date without kids. It's been a while since we've had a date! Wednesday night Derek and Ross got to have a guy night, which hasn't happened in a while either! We need this baby to sleep better so we can get back out with human life at night ;) Last night Seth and Jess came over for dinner. Colin followed/bossed around Seth all night, ha.
Talking to each other :) He thought Aunt Jessie was pretty funny!
Uncle Seth can get pretty creative with toys...
Little copy cat :) He was so sad and cried when they left!

This is how Connor feels about Friday! We're not too excited about Derek having to work the next 5 nights! Lets hope little bit sleeps for me!
Also, my wild momma turned 55 years YOUNG yesterday! Wish we could have been there to celebrate! You get funnier, crazier, sweeter, and a little more forgetful ;) each year mom, love you! :)

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