Monday, September 14, 2015

Cole + Sheena

We spent the weekend celebrating Cole and Sheena getting married! We are so happy for both of them and it was a fun wedding to celebrate them! Before we left Friday, we all spent time at Caitlin's house having dinner. They let us borrow the van, thank goodness, because we had tons of stuff!
Love these kiddos
Deer are back!
The kids did good on the 5 hour trip! Colin just watched his movies and Connor was in and out of naps. Only fussed a few times and at the very end. We made it with just one stop! Once we unpacked the car, Colin took a nap and D and I got ready for the dress rehearsal. Mom and dad are always up for a road trip and came to keep the kids for us! Having 2 date nights in a row was so nice ;) The rehearsal dinner was a wonderful 4 course Italian meal. It was fun to catch up with old college friends there too!
This little one is 3 months tomorrow!?!
Saturday Derek had to get up and go spend the day with Cole. The rest of the crew went to a bakery for breakfast and got ready for football! We spent part of the morning at the big park close by. It was great weather that day.
Men getting shaved and ready!

Cute boys!

A group of soldiers were part of the Suicide Prevention walk. Colin was amazed. Ducks everywhere!

Playground fun! Connor enjoyed himself ;)

The walking path went around a pretty golf course
Turtle/duck watching with Pawpaw. The trees were amazing!
Mom and dad had a lunch date while I got ready, then dad dropped me off at the wedding. It was a beautiful episcopal church. It was a Christian Indian wedding so there were many traditions and we were all lost most of the time due to most of it not being in English. Tradition is that everyone (congregation included) stands the whole ceremony. Lets just say most people wore the wrong shoes to stand 2 hours straight, ha!! It was so interesting though and everyone looked so pretty in traditional Indian dress.

The reception was a shuttle ride away and was sooo nice. Cocktail hour, amazing food, great 9 member band, hours of was so over the top and fun. We were exhausted by the time we got home at midnight. There was a whole group of college friends we haven't seen in 5+ years so we all got to catch up. I didn't get too many pics bc I was checking out football scores all day. Georgia tech won big over Tulane. Sadly Tennessee lost in overtime to OK. Cole is the biggest TN fan, but he handled it well ;)

Derek and Cole doing their intro dances!
The happy newlyweds! Loved getting to dress up and dance with my man. 7+ years married now, doesn't seem like we should be that old yet!!
Man friends. Derek gave such a great 'best man speech'. It was a big audience and he never looked nervous!

A few of the girls
 Congrats guys!
It was a fun night! Indian weddings are huge parties and those ladies could dance!! They taught us some moves and we pretended we knew what we were doing ;) We were definitely tired Sunday morning. Thankfully Connor only got up 2 times Friday night and only once Saturday night to eat. Thank you little one! We hit the road Sunday morning to head back home. Connor was a little fussy again, but all in all, both boys were troopers!

Ate at Popeyes and he had to bring his corn on a stick with him :)
Thanks Pawpaw and Mimi for going with us! Happy Grandparents Day :)
(Colin was crying bc he got a boo boo on his knee--a little obsessed with those lately)

A little hiking last night and why not drink your milk with a blanket on your head?? He was so tired from the trip! Apparently so was Connor because he only woke up once to eat last night, wahoo!!

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