Monday, September 7, 2015

Gooo Jackets!

1st GT game of the season was last Thursday and we had a great trip with the kids to go watch! They won 69-6 against Alcorn State and looked really good. I hope it's another great season! We got to Atlanta in time to go to the bookstore for shirts and have lunch around the corner. We went to check in to the hotel and got Colin down for a nap. Once he was up, we headed to the tailgate. It was rainy for a bit, but we enjoyed catching up with cousins and eating some good food. Colin just took it all in and Connor was in awe of all the activity :)
Our family of 4! (Still sounds weird to say!)
Connor had a great nap on his great-aunt Annette. We got to meet sweet Hudson too! These boys are only 2 weeks apart!

Pizza lunch earlier in the day. Colin refuses to act his age and eat food cut up most of the time, ha!
After a few hours of tail-gaiting, it was time to head to the stadium. I suppose people notice when you are carrying 2 kids and feel pity ;) The nice golf cart man took us in and rode us to the door! Colin hasn't been to any sport events before and has never been around so many people or so much noise. He use to cry if someone just clapped loudly near him. We were prepared to just stay for a few minutes at the game, but they both did sooo good. We were shocked. We left sometime in the 2nd quarter when it was 34-0.
These boys had it tough ;)
Connor didn't seem phased by all the loud fans and fireworks/whistle. He looked around for a long time, then fell asleep the rest of the time.

Colin did good yelling "GO Tech!"
Loved all the lights and airplanes that flew by!
Derek was in heaven getting to take his big boy to his first football game :)
After a successful night at the hotel (as good as it gets when Connor doesn't sleep good on trips), we packed up and went to the Georgia Aquarium. Derek and I hadn't been in years. It wasn't too crowded that morning which was great. Colin was still pretty tired from the game, so he spent most of the time in the stroller or being carried. By lunch time he was tired and cranky and we called it a day and drove home. It was a busy and fun 2 days with my crew. I look forward to the day that we don't have to prepare/pack sooo much stuff just for a night away!!
Connor was a good little passenger. He isn't big on eating in public which can be tough, but overall takes great naps while out.

Spent Friday night hanging at the house playing

We got a little table/chairs for the back porch while we're out there this fall watching football. However, the TV out there died so for now it's Colin's snack/book table :)
Saturday morning Doozie and Nana came for a visit. We got to spend most of the day watching football and grilled out that night. Colin is finally remembering people when they come over and isn't as shy and clingy as he used to be. We had a great visit and it was nice to have a relaxing weekend at home!

Lots of silliness :)
Colin soaked up the one on one attention

This little one is such a happy baby in the morning. He had been sleeping pretty good and even gave us a night only getting up to eat at 1 and 6. However, last night I counted that he was up 11 times between 1030 and 7 this am. Between losing his paci and only wanting 1/2 bottles at a time, I really missed Derek's help (he was on day shift today)! Somehow he still wakes up so smiley, I wish I could say the same for me this am ;) I think I got in a few 1 to 2 hour naps last with a baby!
This morning Grace came to watch Connor while Colin and I met up with Caitlin and Eli for a swim date! These boys are too funny together and liked riding in the van beside each other. Eli is a brave swimmer and jumps in the deep in and swims everywhere on his own. He even did a front flip today when trying to dive in :) Colin lasted a lot longer than usual and enjoyed everything- being in his float, crawling around on the steps, and of course buckling the life vest for a bit too ;) This boy loves playing with buckles of any kind!

It was nice to spend a few hours with my big guy!

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