Monday, November 2, 2015

Halloween 2015 and my new ride!!

Before getting to the Halloween pics, I have to show off my new ride! I am one of those practical people who has been wishing for a minivan for a while! I'm proud to join the minivan club, they are the best thing ever for little ones. I'll work on my coolness later ;) We have been saving/looking for a while and happened to drive past this white van last week. It was perfect for us so we traded in the Lexus (that was a little sad, nothing drives smoother than a Lexus) and picked up the van the next day! It's so high tech and nice inside. Colin loves all the lights inside and we're loving it so far! I may be a little too excited about a minivan, ha! Maybe I should try car sales??
Thursday, the cousins met up for a fall festival at Veteran's Park. It was really crowded and the trick or treat line was way too long, but the kids had fun running around and they all enjoyed the hayride!
No one really enjoyed being in their costumes, haha

Woody and Lion sharing M&Ms. Of course Woody wouldn't wear his hat :)
Cute kids! Eli loved being Buzz!

Connor was only 1/2 giraffe since I left his hat and booties at home. He chilled in the stroller and enjoyed the entertainment. Boy has some silly faces :)

Hayride fun! Colin was amazed by the decorations they had set out and being on a tractor!
Saturday evening we went to Seth and Jess's neighborhood like last year. They have the perfect trick or treating neighborhood! We were in a rush to get out there before the rain came. We had a good 5 minutes before it started, but thanks to umbrellas and the wagon's canopy, the kids didn't seem to care too much. Eli was very into it this year and knew exactly what to say. After each house he's say he needed more candy! Kendall was content to sit in the wagon and let people bring candy to her-smart girl! It took a while for Colin to catch on. He kept trying to go into peoples houses, maybe to get out of the rain?! haha. Thankfully Eli showed him what to do. Once he got a sucker he was content sitting in the wagon too :) We got back to Seth and Jess's and she made us sugar cookies while the kids attacked the candy stash. It was a fun night! Thankfully I didn't have to bring Connor out in the rain, he stayed at home with Grace. We missed Noah's crew, but they came over to play yesterday.

So excited about his candy stash...not that he knew what any of it was! He attacked those suckers though :)

This sweet giraffe :)
He kept trying to eat his hat, hehe!

Derek made the best of having to work and was a skeleton Doctor ;) His patients wondered why his pelvis was so high, haha.

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