Friday, November 6, 2015

Catching up

We've been just doing the usual this week! It's been so warm, but rainy most days, so we've been stuck inside. We've had some play dates with Mason, the usual school days, and hanging with Derek when he's off. Life has gotten much calmer around here! I got lucky this year at MOPS and got put with a great group of girls! We all have kids the same age and live in the same area. We have a play date for next week already and I'm looking forward to getting to know a few more mom friends. We did Operation Christmas Child boxes this week. I'm excited to do those with the boys in a few years! 

Colin has been a funny boy lately. He taking in sentences and is starting to have a good imagination. He'll have whole conversations with himself too. He can count to 5 now and can jump for real.  He likes to say where we are going when we leave the room (usually he says the potty) and says "it's ok, will be right back!". He's very into the van, if he can't find a toy- "tractor where are you?? Mommy van? Let's look!", as he walks to the door. Love all this talking! Although there are a lot more no's to pretty much everything we ask him to do some days :)

So serious about hitting his baseball! Thumbs up for school!!
Connor is growing fast! He's starting to get more leg and wrist rolls! He LoVeS food! He eats 4 bottles (5-6 ounces each) a day and 3 baby food meals. He likes everything except peaches and apples so far. He loves veggies the most, especially peas. He still usually only naps 45 minutes to 1 hour 3-4 times a day. He wakes up 2-3 times at night. Hoping that we can cut that out in the next month. He just usually wants his paci, like big C was. He rolls all over now and is much better at tummy time. He loves standing on our laps and is practicing sitting. Too cute :)
Stinker :)
Loves sleeping on his tummy, but freaks out so bad when he wakes up like this!

What it looks like to take 2 kids to target. Connor took up too much space and had to help hold a lot of the lighter groceries, ha. 

I'm lucky to be able to spend these days at home with my nuggets. They can be busy busy, but it's such a fun job. Date night tonight! Then a weekend with the kiddos while Derek works, ready for real fall weather too!

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